I've been particularly busy with school of late - things are about to level out I hope.
as part of my Survey of Sequential Art history course I discuss the effects of film on comics and vice versa. That discussion includes this image of non-animated films that were based on comic books or comic strips. Kristie put this together for me, she found all the images and everything. See if you can recognize them all...

Hey Duncan,
did you just turn 27? That is really cool Kristie put those images together for you. I think that discussing film in your Survey class is a really good way to go. I don't think we really did that in my class.
Later man,
Can you recognize them all?
Yes I can!
where is immortal or tarzan? some of the pictures in are unknown as comics i guess, at least for me, i never saw the mbI or mbII comics before the movie...
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