I've stepped down as chair of Sequential Art at SCAD (thank goodness), and I'm trying to get back into my own life. It's not been easy...
Here are some t-shirts that I tested some new ink on:

I've also been working for the past two years on a story with my long-time creative partner Scott Rickels. We don't have a name for it yet, but we're both really excited about it. I'm not even sure how to describe it. It's the story of a young girl uncovering the past of her father who died when she was young as she and her friends defend their town from an evil cult. There are mixed-up animals, amateur cartography, talking beavers, and a robot named Jon 3-16000. It's pretty fun; and it's pretty massive. We've nailed down our rough outline and we're about 3/5 of the way through the first draft of the script. There are over 40 scenes written so far.
MOONSHINE UPDATE: I feel like I've given up on the Moonshine Murders. I've got a mess of thumbnails and script breakdowns for the next chapter, but I think I'm just tired of it.

I'm trying to work on a website eJournal focusing on critical and analytical writing from the SEQA department. I've been gathering things for it for the past year. I've also spent that long on trying to come up with a name for it. It's got to be memorable, but not too pretentious.
I'm back teaching SEQA 100 Intro to Sequential Art, SEQA 386 Hand-Lettering and Typography for Comics, and SEQA 701 Theories and Practices for Sequential Art. My classes are good this year, but it's tough getting back into teaching 2 classes a day.
Next week I'm headed to the OSU Festival of Cartoon Art. I'll be sure to post updates while I'm there. It seems that it's actually easier for me to post while I'm traveling. Probably because I just do it from my phone.
I also just turned 31. Ugh.
Stepped down, huh? Sorry it didn't work out, but glad you're doing your own thing again.
You just turned 31? Damnnnnn. You are freakin' young. What up with that.
Well, I for one am glad I got to enjoy most of your time as chair.
Keep it real, don't go changin', update your blog.
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