I only knew Jeremy for about 3 years (at the most). That being said, Jeremy and I became very close over the past two years. He and I had a lot in common and found early on that we worked very well together. But I think Jeremy worked well with most people.
He was always willing to step up and help with anything that our department, SCAD, or I needed. He was proactive and never seemed content waiting around for someone else to have an idea about what to do. He setup and ran our website and he created and ran our twice weekly podcast. To the online comics community, he was the face of our department.
In TN at the funeral his father talked about how Jeremy worked too much, just like he does. e would like to second the notion that Jeremy worked so hard because he loved what he was doing. He loved teaching and working with students, he loved this department, he loved comics, and he loved working for SCAD. I know what it's like to wind up in a job that's too good to be true, because I too love comics and I love teaching, just like Jeremy. I don't think there's any way that Jeremy could have been any happier.
Jeremy's biggest dedication in the department was getting our student's online. I would argue that the majority of students in our department who have a webcomic (and that's a lot), do so because Jeremy helped them get it online. He would schedule one-on-one extra help sessions with students to help them get their website up and running. You can ask any of his students and they'll tell you that he was always available. He encouraged everyone he taught or worked with.
He was great at what he did and we all depended on him.
The best Jeremy stories one the ones that he would tell.The Parliament Funkadelic story or the the little boy who wanted some honey for his toast. He was a great storyteller.
I have only really truly laughed at a webcomic online twice, and both were Jeremy's. The first was the when he doodled over Lindsay's sketch of airplane passenger exercises and the other was when he wrecked the bathroom at the library in Lacoste. I would not be able to show either of those comics to my mom--but they were funny.
I have heard people talk about lost friends and loved one that I did not know and have often wondered to what degree their words were inflated or obligatory. But having known Jeremy, I know that every nice things that is said is both true and heartfelt.
Anyone who knows me knows that I can complain about anything. I am a self-proclaimed fussbudget. Jeremy wasn't like that. I believe that I can easily say that Jeremy is the only person who never complained to me about anything and I never complained about him.
He was level-headed (evidenced by the time he was able to safely maneuver a bus full of kids in France whose breaks had been sabotaged, traveling at like 50-60 miles an hour he was able to weave through a roundabout and plant the bus up against a guardrail) and his demeanor commanded a great deal of respect.
In fact that's my only complaint about Jeremy. He always dressed so nice it made the rest of us look like slackers. 'Cause he was never a slacker.
Most everyone knows there will be an anthology in memory of Jeremy Mullins. We will also do a website that features the comics. We want to open it up to anyone who would like to participate. The book will be released at SPX in September. The book will also be available online. All of the proceeds from this publication will go toward the Jeremy Mullins Memorial Scholarship.
The guidelines are as follows:
- the story must be about Jeremy somehow
- the art should be in your own style
- Black-and-white art
- no more than 6 pages (single image illustrations are fine).
- quality: your art should meet Jeremy's class standards--so don't turn in crappy art
- standard comic book size (10x15 panel area on 11x17 -- or proportional)
- Scanned @ 300dpi, Tiff format.
- due date: AUGUST 1st
Send submissions to:
David Allan Duncan
Norris Hall
548 E. Broughton St.
Savannah, GA 31401
or email to: daduncan@scad.edu
In addition to this publication, we will be putting a color collection of Jeremy's comics together.
Any questions or concerns let me know.
Jeremy really saved a busfull of kids in France?
Yep. My friend Bri Alexander was on that bus and told me the whole story. Really amazing.
Yep. My friend Bri Alexander was on that bus and told me the whole story. Really amazing.
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